Coronavirus – Warning

Dear passenger,

You who have trusted us for years, you who know about our environmental and social commitment, we owe you information about the measures taken within our company and on board our vehicles.

As a company specialized in travel and transportation, we have taken since the appearance of COVID-19 (commonly known as Coronavirus) unprecedented measures through the prevention of our team and our partners.

The health and safety of our passengers, employees and drivers are our top priority. As soon as concerns about COVID-19 arose, Regency Limo Coach took a number of precautionary measures to avoid any form of contamination.

Regency is following all government recommendations for carriers to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

A thorough cleaning of the interior surfaces of the vehicles with eco-friendly disinfectant products is performed after each trip and all work areas of the company are cleaned and disinfected daily. In addition, hydro-alcoholic gels are supplied to drivers and customers on board each vehicle. In addition, a prevention plan is made for the drivers.

You may notice some changes in your scheduled services as a result of these precautions, such as the removal of all printed material, discontinuing the provision of candy, water or beverages that are not individually wrapped or sealed unless requested, and limiting any sharing of materials between passengers and drivers, where possible.

We take a responsible approach to minimize the risk of infection and to try to stop the spread of this virus.

We thank you for your support in these difficult times.

Regency Limo Coach Team